• I currently have openings. Please contact me to see if this is a good fit for you.

You’re the expert on you. I’m here to help you navigate to your goals.

Therapeutic Tutor & Psychoeducational Counselor

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“Teach yourself how to learn,

the way that only you can”

Hi, I’m Dr. K!

Do you, or does someone you know, struggle with focus, starting and completing tasks, learning new information, or to manage strong emotions? Do you find it difficult to navigate relationships, stay motivated, or keep organized?

I’m here to help you hack your brain so you understand how to make it work for you. I specialize in treating difficulties with executive function, emotion regulation, and learning so people become more skillful and effective in school, work, relationships and life.

With my experience and many tool kits as a learning disabilities specialist, linguist, and school psychologist, I will work with you to create unique personalized strategies so you can self regulate your cognitive functions, emotions and behavior.

At Wise Mind Learning…

I help individuals of all ages become their most effective selves in whatever they want to do through consultation, strategic and therapeutic support, and coaching.

You can develop greater awareness, understanding and acceptance of yourself, your strengths and your weakness.

You can become more strategic and flexible, and gain the skills to self-advocate.

You can move forward on the path to self-determination.



I provide expert advice to individuals and families regarding learners’ learning needs and learning profiles, including understanding neuropsychological profiles and insuring a good match between the learner’s capacity and academic approaches.

I consult with families, schools and other professionals to improve outcomes for students who have challenging learning and behavioral profiles.


Therapeutic Tutoring

I use an individualized approach that includes evidenced-based practices and interventions to address the unique learning needs of each student.  This is a strengths-based, learner-centered approach that integrates strategies for executive function, emotional regulation, self-regulation of learning, and specific academic skills (e.g. reading, writing, study skills) to help learners become independent and successful. 

For K-12 students, I work closely with, and partner with, a student’s school and other collateral providers (e.g. speech-language pathologists) within an integrated model of treatment. For adults, I work with whoever you want to invite into the process to help you achieve your goals.

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Parent Coaching

I use a family-systems oriented approach informed by Acceptance Commitment Therapy (ACT) to (a) help parents develop effective strategies for supporting and working with children who may have trouble with learning, emotional regulation, managing their behavior, and/or executive functioning, and (b) help families communicate better amongst themselves so they can build the life the want, together. My work with families is informed by a multicultural perspective, a thorough understanding of child development, and my own experiences as an immigrant parent of two vibrant young people.


Educational Planning

I work with families and support them to advocate for their children and work effectively in partnership with their children’s teachers and schools. For students in public schools, I help families interpret and understand their children’s Individual Education Plans (IEPs), and help teams to align IEPs so they reflect their children’s needs and the findings of evaluation reports more accurately.

While I do not provide specialized transition planning services, I do work with emergent adults to successfully transition to independent, autonomous and self-determined adults lives.



I employ a collaborative approach to treatment within the context of a supportive, trusting relationship. We can work together to understand thoughts, feelings, and behavior patterns that may be holding you back from moving towards a rich, meaningful, purposeful and value-based life of your choice.

The treatment modalities, practices and specific interventions I use are evidence-based and culturally sensitive to help you develop healthy and effective habits for life. My orientation to therapy is informed by my understanding of development and anchored in collaboration, authenticity, inclusion, determination, and social justice.



I use a comprehensive, individualized, and eclectic approach that includes standardized and norm-referenced measures, criterion referenced measures, dynamic assessment techniques, and informal tasks designed to explore individual learning profiles.  My approach is informed by development, culture, and the personal values of the individual being assessed. Assessments are tailored to answer questions about a) cognitive and academic strengths and challenges, b) the emotional underpinnings of learning (e.g., motivation, self-beliefs), c) executive function, d) capacity for second language and eligibility for a language waiver, and e) recommendations for instructional support and learning strategies . 

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Evidence Based Practice

…because the best methods are driven by expertise, research and an understanding of the self and one’s ecology.

Become skillful in managing your learning, mental health, and self regulation with me.

  1. Executive function

  2. Stress management

  3. Studying and test taking

  4. Anxiety

  5. Metacognition

  6. Problem with mood

  7. Problem Solving

  8. Literacy

  9. Self-advocacy...and more

Let’s start talking