

Fusion Academy of Burlington

I am delighted to collaborate with Fusion Academy of Burlington ( to bring a series of presentations to parents and educators. Our first collaboration was a discussion about motivation on May 7, 2020. You can view the video at:



Saheli ( meaning “friend”(fem) in Hindi, is an group of professionals who, in their own words, “ offer non-judgemental culturally sensitive, domestic violence services that are vital to the welbeing of immigrant survivors of domestic violence while keeping in mind their unique cultural beliefs and upbringing.” It is my honor to design and provide culturally sensitive group and individual therapy for survivors and their children.


Concord Academy, Concord MA

Concord Academy ( is an independent coeducational boarding and day high school in Concord, MA. I provide individualized support in executive function to students who are referred either by the faculty at the school, or by their parents. I also provide consultation to staff and parents about adolescent development, learning, executive function, and mental health.

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ILD & ResearchILD

ILD and RILD is directed by Dr. Lynn Meltzer. The work of the institutes supports the executive function challenges of students with learning and attention differences. My collaboration with this organization spans 29 years. I have worked with their amazing team, as a neuropsychologist, an educational therapist, a peer supervisor, and a trainer of graduate clinicians. I have contributed to publications and have I have also spoken at their flagship Learning Differences conference now in its 36th year. The most recent presentation was on self-regulation in English language learners.

Link to Kalyani’s LD Conference presentation:,,

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