“I can do this!”

Adulting 101, the Wise Mind Way

Meet Molly

Molly is graduating from high school on June 2, and has no idea what she will be doing on June 3rd. She is surprised and disconcerted by the suggestion that she can do anything she wants to do because her time is her own. 

Molly is neurodiverse

She is bright, funny, creative, and quirky.  Molly has ADHD, a subtle learning disorder, and anxiety.  Her executive functions are delayed and vulnerable.  Throughout high school, she has struggled to structure her time, complete homework independently, wake up on time, and get to school on time.

She feels she is not ready for college

She has relied heavily on her parents and her special education teacher at school to support her.  She doesn’t do her own laundry, meal planning and prep feel overwhelming and complex, and her sleep schedule is chaotic.  She and her parents feel that she is not ready for college and have been unable to find a gap year program that will both nurture her strengths and address her weaknesses.  

What can she try next?

WML has an evidence-based summer program for Molly!

  • This program is designed for older teens/emerging adults between the ages of 18 & 21, whose history of challenges with executive function and self-regulation makes it difficult for them to find their way easily into adulthood.

  • This 6-week group will provide some participants with the skills and impetus to continue the positive changes independently that they will initiate together.

    It will introduce others to a framework that is sustainable, individualized, and can continue to be supported through individual and group work. Consistent with the literature on Positive Youth Development, this program fosters competence, connection, confidence, character and compassion.

    In addition to weekly meetings, each participant will meet with Dr. Krishnan for an initial consultation so the program can be tailored for specific goals and needs, and a final consultation after the program is complete to develop a plan for next steps. The model for the group includes text check-ins and coaching between meetings.

    1. Learning about self regulation, wellness & time-management.

    2. Discovering your own values and goals, and the relationship between passions, interests, strengths and motivation.

    3. Developing and implementing a personalised plan for overall wellness.

    4. Recognising barriers to implementing the plan

    5. Problem solving effectively and skilfully to navigate barriers.

    6. Supporting the self and others through scaffolded peer coaching

  • July 6th to August 10th

    (6 Sessions spread across 6 weeks)

  • Thursdays from 4-6pm

  • Total cost for two individual consultations, the 6-session program, and all materials and incidentals is $1,500.00.

    Early registration discounts of $250.00 will be offered to any who makes a commitment before June 30, 2023.

WML has an evidence-based summer program for Molly!

  • This program is designed for older teens/emerging adults between the ages of 18 & 21, whose history of challenges with executive function and self-regulation makes it difficult for them to find their way easily into adulthood.

  • This 6-week group will provide some participants with the skills and impetus to continue the positive changes independently that they will initiate together.

    It will introduce others to a framework that is sustainable, individualized, and can continue to be supported through individual and group work. Consistent with the literature on Positive Youth Development, this program fosters competence, connection, confidence, character and compassion.

    In addition to weekly meetings, each participant will meet with Dr. Krishnan for an initial consultation so the program can be tailored for specific goals and needs, and a final consultation after the program is complete to develop a plan for next steps. The model for the group includes text check-ins and coaching between meetings.

    1. Learning about self regulation, wellness & time-management.

    2. Discovering your own values and goals, and the relationship between passions, interests, strengths and motivation.

    3. Developing and implementing a personalised plan for overall wellness.

    4. Recognising barriers to implementing the plan

    5. Problem solving effectively and skilfully to navigate barriers.

    6. Supporting the self and others through scaffolded peer coaching

  • July 6th to August 10th

    (6 Sessions spread across 6 weeks)

  • Thursdays from 4-6pm

  • Total cost for two individual consultations, the 6-session program, and all materials and incidentals is $1,500.00.

    Early registration discounts of $250.00 will be offered to any who makes a commitment before June 30, 2023.

Ready to sign up?

Please email kalyanikrishnanpsy@gmail.com with

“I can do this”

in the subject line for more information.