Stories & Testimonials

Support & Guidence


With Kalyani’s help, today I am a college graduate and practicing in my chosen field of education. I can’t thank Kalyani enough for all of her support and guidance, and would highly recommend her to others.

- Cara, Andover




My son seemed to need extra support to navigate his ADHD and anxiety diagnoses in an academically rigorous school system, I sought Kalyani’s advice and support. She has worked with my son each week over the past academic year and it has been a tremendous success. How do I measure success? There is the obvious academic achievement of course, his grades improved – but what is more gratifying is this: K has re-gained his love to learn. He gained confidence and trusted his intelligence and his emotions. He has learned to advocate for himself to find how to best engage in different subjects, he is no longer defeated by what appeared to be insurmountable tasks of homework, notetaking, tests and projects. All this in one year! He has grown quickly to relish the time he spends with Kalyani and has also learned to look for and ask for help from his educators. The last week of finals were not filled with stress, each day ended with an exclamation of success and satisfaction. Kalyani also spent a fair amount of time on helping our son to grow into himself – to learn what makes him tick, how his brain works, what he enjoys and what challenges him. For his anxiety and ADHD, she has worked with him on mindfulness exercises. She is incredibly supportive and shows such empathy for her students. Her combined roles as a tutor AND a counselor are a beautiful match to provide a nurturing environment. In our family, Kalyani is held in the highest regard and our time with her is an absolute treasure. Engaging her services has been the best decision for us.

-Corrina, Acton


Like Family


Our family has worked with Kalyani for over 3 years. I say “family” because she has been invaluable, not only in identifying learning issues, and providing counseling plus educational therapy for my child, but she also guides and supports ME in my efforts to navigate and work with the complex and often obtuse education system on my daughter’s behalf. Kalyani has been the lead in developing appropriate and effective IEPs for my daughter. Her expertise is immediately recognized and respected by administrators and teachers when she attends IEP meetings with me, and the result is our concerns are taken seriously and addressed. She has skillfully and diplomatically built effective channels of communication with my daughter’s teachers and the school administration. Kalyani’s efforts are enabling my daughter to be the most successful, confident and empowered learner she can be. She is a wise and powerful ally and I am so very grateful she is on our team. I recommend her most highly.

-Jill, Marblehead


Identifies the obstacles


We found Kalyani through our town SEPAC chair when our daughter, “D” started struggling in 5th grade. We did not know at the time that D had learning challenges, only that she had started to struggle with school when 5th grade started. Kalyani was incredibly helpful in supporting D and us, and in guiding us to the necessary resources. She quickly established a partnership with D’s teacher and communicate with her ever week to stay ahead of the curriculum. Kalyani was gentle and compassionate with D, who had started to doubt herself, and quickly zeroed in on D’s problems with reading comprehension. Within a few weeks, D was feeling a lot better, and enjoying her weekly sessions with Kalyani. By the time the school got around to doing the testing, we had a fairly good understanding of what our daughter’s learning needs were. This made the school meeting much more productive, although it was extremely helpful to have Kalyani at the meeting. Overall, we are so grateful we found Kalyani when we did. She is a strong collaborator with the school, extremely helpful to us in understanding our daughter’s struggles, and a fabulous support for D.

-Maura, Concord


Creative, Flexible, Personal


Kalyani Krishnan worked with our son when he was in high school. We hired her to help explain our son's neuropsychology evaluation results not only to us but to him so he could better understand his own learning style – strengths and weaknesses and learn to advocate for his own needs. She did a fabulous job articulating this to him in a concrete and realistic yet positive way that boosted his self esteem and awareness. We also had her work with him on executive functioning strategies and organizational methodologies so he could master independent management of homework, scheduling and test taking. She was creative and flexible in her approach and offered a number of potential effective solutions for him to try out She worked with him as he experimented to find solutions that worked well for him and that he was comfortable adopting and using on his own. I have the highest regard for her diagnostic and teaching abilities.

-Nancy, Acton

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